"" FutureLint (I have nothing to wear!): The winter of our discontent

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The winter of our discontent

I want to punch the weather in the face. Unfortunately it doesn't have a face so I'll put on a cozy sweater, grin, and bear it. For now.
Sweater - SWE via crazy outlet store
Necklace - my mom found it at a garage sale
T-shirt - Target
Jeans - Gap
Shoes -  thrifted Santorini

It is 2 degrees out today, -8 with the wind chill. And stilllll snowing. If it isn't nice out by the time baseball starts (13 days!), I'm gonna freak out! On the upside, I got a summer job at a golf club over the weekend! I'll be doing a bit of waitressing, a bit of bartending, and a bit of the bev cart. Perfect! I start training on Friday after school so I can learn where everything is before it gets crazy busy when the golf course opens!

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