"" FutureLint (I have nothing to wear!): It's Thriftmas time

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's Thriftmas time

10-28-13 Thriftmas
Polo - from the golf club
Sweater - thrifted Isaac Mizrahi for Target
Watch - Billabong
Jeans - Gap
Wedges - nicole (inherited from friend)

Jacket - thrifted vintage

I dressed pretty simple and comfy because Nate and I were volunteering at Arc's right after I was done with work. I changed into some moccasins and we spent a few hours going through their Merry Thriftmas stuff. Basically they set aside all their Christmas/Hanukkah/New Year's donations all year in these massive boxes, and we went through them and organized them into smaller categorized boxes so they can get put out in the stores next week. There were boxes for clothing, dishes, ornaments, stockings, Santas, stuffed animals and toys, candles, winter villages, books, movies, music, etc. There were like 30 categories! It was fun though! I did it last year too, but it was a lot more entertaining this year since Nate was there with me!

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