"" FutureLint (I have nothing to wear!): Middle aged lady swag

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Middle aged lady swag

 Sweater - thrifted Izod Lacoste
Orange necklace - Kohl's
Yellow "necklace" - Seoul Folk Flea Market
T-shirt - Target
Skirt - thrifted vintage (no tags) 
Tights - ???
Shoes - Linea Paolo

Today's hair adventure... my "mouse hair" (which is what the girls at my previous school used to call it... because they said it made me look like Minnie Mouse? IDK.) I basically just throw my hair up in a pile on top of my head and stab it with bobby pins until none of it is falling down anymore. I've done it once before on the blog, but don't do it very often because I feel like it makes me look younger.

After the monochromatic outfit yesterday, I apparently decided to dress like an exploded box of crayons today. This outfit already prompted the following conversation at work:

"Miss Christine, you the only old, errr, not old... how old are you?"
"You the only middle-aged lady I know who dresses with swag... 'cept my momma." 

Um, thanks for the back-handed compliment 13 year old girl. Volunteering at the food shelf last night was awesome. I got to make up boxes of food for people to take home after they went to a soup kitchen. A meal there and a meal to-go is the idea. It was hard trying to put a variety of things in the box, that could still go together as a meal... like if you gave them noodles, you had to find a sauce and a veggie and maybe a fruit or some cereal for the next day, etc. It was fun though and we got enough done to feed over 4,000 people. Yay!

 Yes, I volunteered with a group from a local brewery (and makers of my favorite beer!)

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