"" FutureLint (I have nothing to wear!): Even my PJs are vintage

Monday, January 23, 2012

Even my PJs are vintage

Polo - from when I was a bev cart girl at a golf course
Sweater - Old Navy (old)
Brooches - thrifted
Skirt - American Apparel
Tights - Cynthia Rowley
Shoes - MIA

I had a pretty fabulous weekend. Saturday, Nate and I got up early and stood in the cold to go to an estate sale. I found a bunch of vintage tourist pennants, a crazy pair of shoes from India, and an old boy scout knapsack. Then we went out for brunch and spent the rest of the day and night holed up from the cold and snow in front of my fireplace, playing Trivial Pursuit a million times while watching AFV (which I love a pathetic amount and I was so happy when it appeared on Netflix). Sunday we made fancy tacos and margaritas and watched football all day. My goal was to be as lazy as possible and stay horizontal the whole day. Nate fashioned me a giant straw so I could drink a margarita while laying down and watching football at the same time. That's love, folks. I even have the photo to prove it. Prepare yourselves for the glamor of "the laziest day ever:"

Yes, my shirt says "I've got the crabs." I bought it for fifty cents at a garage sale when I was 15, and I've worn it constantly for the past 15 years. It's so soft and old and awesome. It's from a crab shack in Florida, originally. Hey, I can't be dressed up all the time!

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