"" FutureLint (I have nothing to wear!): Gimme a "B"

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Gimme a "B"

Even though this is just a cardigan, not a letter sweater, it has that vibe to it... so between that and the headband, I feel excessively preppy today! 

Necklace - belonged to my great-gma
Cardigan - thrifted vintage Tarni
T-shirt - Target
Seagull pins - thrifted
Jeans - Gap
Boots - Seychelles

I used to wear this necklace every single day, for years in high school. It belonged to my great grandma, who we all called "Grandma B". For some reason, in middle school, I thought she was really cool and wanted to go visit her all the time with my mom. We would always stop at an apple orchard on the way to her retirement community and buy apple cider donuts to eat with her (I still want to cry like every time I eat one.) When she died, I got to pick a few of her things to keep. This necklace is my favorite! It's five pieces of jade on a tiny chain. I used to call it "the pickle necklace." Now I'm too paranoid I'll lose or break it, so I keep it hung up in my bathroom so I still see it all the time, but only wear it once in a while.

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