"" FutureLint (I have nothing to wear!): Christmas and crap

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas and crap

Ugh, it always seems so overwhelming to write these I've-been-away-I-saw-a-lot-of-people-I-ate-a-lot-of-food-posts, but here goes!

My dad had his right knee totally replaced three days before we arrived. So he was rocking an awesome walker, cane, or crutches all the time. He also had a crazy machine that automatically bent his knee back and forth for 45 minutes, 4 times a day. But he was doing great! Henrik wanted to help with the walker, but he spent most of his time ignoring his toys and banging measuring cups and tupperware containers together.
100_2379Henrik, helping his grandpa

Note the dog in that left photo... Marley was born the day before Henrik and is a French Bulldog. They are the same size and very curious about each other. Nate and I took Marley for a long walk/run trying to tire her out. We failed. She has endless energy, especially when it comes to licking Henrik. Oy!
Trying to wear out MarleyTaking Marley for a snowy walk

Nate and I went antiquing one day and I bought this awesome hat/fascinator/headband situation and promptly wore it the next day for Christmas Eve... I wore the same thing on Christmas day (I always do, it doesn't seem worth it to bring two different outfits).
Christmas Eve 2012

We went to see the extended fam in Chicago for Christmas Eve. I have 15 cousins. Plus all their significant others, my aunts and uncles, grandparents, etc. It's a big loud event! I was excited to meet Marshall, who my cousin and his wife adopted from Korea. He finally came home in August and Christmas Eve was my first time meeting him. It was awesome to see him play with Henrik and his other cousin Hannah. He thinks everything is hilarious and will imitate everything you do.
Marshall thinks Nate is hilarious
Me and Marshall

My uncle Phil dressed as Santa because his kids are the youngest in the family, so in theory won't have kids of their own for quite a few years. Henrik didn't really care about him either way.
Indifferent to Santa

Otherwise, we were opening gifts... and turning Henrik into a tiny Viking...
My nephew, the tiny VikingHenrik's got this ripping thing down

Nate and I showed Henrik what this wood box he previously ignored is capable of - making a lot of noise. Now he loves it and kept going back in the room to try to open it and bang on it.
Nate and Henrik

OK! I'll be back with an update on Christmas with Nate's family and New Year's Eve soon! Hope you all had great holidays!

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