"" FutureLint (I have nothing to wear!): The Whos

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Whos

I feel like a Who down in Whoville... for some reason stripes always remind me of Dr. Suess.
11-20-12 The Whos
Sweater - J.Crew outlet
Polo - from when I was a bev cart girl at a golf course
String tie - thrifted vintage
Bracelet - thrifted
Skirt - thrifted Ann Tjian for Kenar
Boots - Timberland

thrifted reindeer bracelet

I've gotta play catch-up for a few days for postings of the 30 Day Drawing Challenge... so here's the next three.

Day 10, draw your favorite candy. Gummi bears are surprisingly hard to draw. I should have picked Reese's Pieces because they're just circles (and are a close second fave.)
Post-It sketch, day 10

Day 11, draw a turning point in your life. I picked moving 6 hours away from home to go to the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. I almost went to Ohio State because they offered me a scholarship. I often wonder what would have happened if I'd gone there instead... I would have a whole different life!
Post-It sketch, day 11

Day 12, draw your most recent accomplishment. Hmm, at the time I hadn't just renewed my Professional Rescuer certification so I picked my bike! I recently found a non-working vintage Schwinn Breeze and took bike repair classes to learn to fix it. I took the whole thing apart, repaired it, and now it works! Woo!
Post-It sketch, day 12

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