"" FutureLint (I have nothing to wear!): February 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

Lazy Monday

This is what my hair looks like if I don't put any product in it and don't diffuse it to make it curly and then brush it for the first time in about a year. I do not do anything with my hair, like ever... but this week, I'm gonna play around and try a few things! It's going to be weird. I actually like my hair like this, cause I'm a big fan of a mess.
Glasses - Prada
Bow tie- thrifted vintage
Shirt - thrifted from boys section
Cropped pants - Target
Socks - Target
Shoes - Miss Me

I don't know why I like these weird socks so much. One of the 4th grade boys just told me they made me look like a vampire. Good point, they do look like dead flesh, but I love them! OK, nothing much to say today. I clearly stayed up too late last night. Some friends came over and we spent the night drinking champagne, eating cookies, and watching the Oscars!

P.S. Look at my right index finger. This weekend I was walking and started to slip on the ice so I went to brace myself on the huge snowbank on the side of the sidewalk. I didn't fall but when I pulled my hand out of the snowbank, my finger was bleeding LIKE CRAZY! I think there was a broken beer bottle buried inside the snowbank and it CUT THE TIP OF MY FINGER OFF! OMG, my life is so strange sometimes.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fashion Blogger Tattoos (2)

First up is Erin from Work With What You've Got
The sleeve is all custom with one piece of flash. I had a couple friends design one each so that they would hold more meaning, and my artist and designed the rest of them together. The skulls are straight up off a Delia's tee. HA!~ It took me about two years to finish and I got one large heart at a tine, then all the small hearts in one sitting and all the vine work in another. Everything is done by the same artist.  I can sit for about an hour and a half, maybe two and then I'm done.
The stars on my forearm are my favorite and are actually a cover-up of another tattoo by an artist I saw once and never went back to.
The star on the back of my neck is actually almost a copy of a friends. Hers is filled in and mine is hollow but other than that they are the same and in the same place. I asked her if it was OK and she did not mind. The only one I didn't show is one on my inner wrist and it says "Rani" which is a nickname my best friend gave me. It means princess and I have it to remind me I am loved. I didn't get a picture of that one because it is sacred to me and I actually would hate if anyone copied it.

Next is Tabitha from Fashion Therapist
I've attached a pic of the first tattoo I got when I turned 18.  It is a shamrock - clearly I didn't do it because I am Irish :) -  and it's on my left shoulder.  When I turned 18 I was so adament about getting inked.  I had been wanting one for so long (since I was 13 to be exact) and so shortly after my 18th birthday I got it done.  I chose a shamrock because all my life I've considered myself a lucky person.  Not lucky in terms that I bring luck to other people, but that I've just been fortunate to be at the right place, right time, right moment, etc. that things just happen to me by luck.  I'm not a religious person, but this constantly reminds me of how fortunate I am to have been given so many things in life whether it be a good job, winning a sweepstakes or just being having great people who are part a part of me - I've just always considered myself to be a lucky person.

And last, is ME! 
I don't ever want to regret ink and have to get it covered or lasered, so I've waited a long time to get all three!
 My first tattoo was the ants on my right foot. I wanted them starting when I was about 18 but wouldn't let myself get them until I was 21. I printed out a few ant images I liked and the artist (whose name was "Pookie" BTW) drew them up for me! I got them because...
#1. I really like ants. I think they are neat and pretty and super fascinating!
#2. It's a bit of a monument to my own insignificance... I think it's so easy to get all wrapped up in your own life and problems and forget about the fact that there is a whole other world out there - at any given point of my day someone is giving birth, dying, laughing, being raped, getting married, etc. It is the best and worst moments of people's lives, RIGHT. THIS. SECOND. There are so many awesome and terrible things going on... So I'm just another ant in the world, get over it, time to move on. Do what you can and be fucking nice about it.
My second one was these three bells on my left side (sorry about the weird cropping, but it basically connects my T to my A, so I had to crop it to keep things PG-13 around here). I got them about 5 years ago. They don't get seen much except for when I spend the whole summer in a swim suit. Their meaning is between me and Kurt Vonnegut and if you know which book it's from, I am supremely impressed. I drew all three of them and my friend Benny did it in my living room. He was apprenticing at a tattoo shop and suddenly got called back to do a second tour of duty in Iraq (he's a marine) and we did this the night before he left. (Don't worry, he's back and fine!) I may get them shaded and colored in gold one day, we'll see!
The seahorse on my forearm, I just got like a month ago. This seahorse was something I drew and it was the first thing I made a screen of when I started screenprinting on my own. I've wanted him for a few years but when they started selling my t-shirts at the Walker Art Center, I decided that I could finally get it. My t-shirts were just a little idea I had to make for me and my friends and it took off in directions I never expected. So the seahorse reminds me to believe in my silly little dreams. Ooh, and you can get your own seahorse t-shirt, here!

If you want to be included in the next round-up, just email me (futurelint at gmail dot com) with a photo of you and a photo of your tattoo (or tattoos)! Include a little what, where, when, why type description and a link to your blog!

Friday, February 25, 2011


So yesterday Rebecca from MinnChic posted a few outfits and I fell in love with the first look! And thought, "Oooh, she looks so simple and chic! I need to do that! I have a shirt and heeled oxfords just like that! Now... how can I complicate the hell out of it?" Okay, that is not my thought process but that is how it turned out. Simple black skirt? Nope, don't own one. I have a fringed one. A sequin one. A crazy pleated one I liberated off an awful dress. Or this grey one with chain-link fence print and zippers and Hot Topic looking belt from Marc Jacobs. Same thing, yes? Yes. 10 minutes later I'm in my closet wearing this with no idea how I got that way. Also, her tights! An awesome color I can't describe other than to call it "California Raisin?"... yeah, I've got dark brown or maroon. Some liberties were taken. Eh, whatever, welcome to my brain. It's easily distracted, it likes clutter, and is drawn to shiny things. So, I tip my (tacky, natch) hat to you Rebecca. I will always be too overly complicated to be chic. Bravo to you.
Glasses - Prada
Oxford - Ralph Lauren (hand-me-down from aunt)
Skirt - Marc by Marc Jacobs
Tights - Target
Shoes - Seychelles

P.S. Marc Jacobs stuff, two days in a row? 'Bout time you sent me your whole Spring '11 collection as a payback, yes? Call me, Marc. I've got some ideas.

P.P.S. Do I have another date with Mr. T? Yes. He is making me dinner and has promised to "cook my pants off"... hmm, I'll let you know how that works out. Actually, I won't. I'm not Carrie fucking Bradshaw.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Black and blue. (And gold.)

I feel like I fell out of the Nutcracker Suite or like I should be going to the Festival of Nations in this get-up. It's that time of year where all I want to do is start dressing for spring... but then I look in my closet and realize there are a bunch of winter sweaters I haven't worn yet this year. So let the sweater parade begin! (This sweater also makes me feel like I belong in a parade.)
Sweater - thrifted Pendleton, hand-felted by me
Dress - Marc by Marc Jacobs
Tights - Target
Shoes - vintage Mason Shoe Co. (from Jabot's Boutique)

Plus I finally remembered to drag my bag of shoes to Alex, the world's finest Ukranian cobbler, so he could repair these shoes. They were deadstock from the 1960s and the glue attaching the soles had dried out so much that the soles were falling off. Now they're like brand new! And Alex was pretty enamored with them! It's always huge to impress a cobbler with your shoes. In my book, anyway.

P.S. People always ask me for hand-felting advice when I post this sweater on the blog. This sweater is the only thing I've felted. It was terrible and huge and boxy when I found it at the thrift store so I decided to try my hand at hand-felting last winter. It turned out perfect but I have no tips or tricks to tell you, other than Google it, then try it? Preferably with something that is too big and isn't a family heirloom or expensive because while this turned out awesome, I was totally prepared for it to be a total disaster and ruin the sweater completely.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I Ain't Mad at Cha

I look like a grouchy bastard in all four photos I took this morning. I think it's because I didn't sleep well due to weird dreams about goopy alien bug things? The thing is, I'm actually in a quite fine mood today, despite what the pictures may show. Wearing giant dots all over will do that to a girl.
Dress - thrifted vintage
Belt - from a different thrifted vintage dress
Tights - Target
Shoes - Michael Kors

I wore red tights today, because Wendy B wants red tights outfits and I am generally inclined to do anything she asks. So here you go. I was surprised to see I'd only worn red tights three times in the past. There were lots of maroon, a few pinks, some red knee socks, but only three red tights occasions:
10-12-09 Dolls. Doilies.12-6-10 Mismatched
10-18-09 Kate

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pom-pom hat

We got like 16 more inches of snow, so I'm embracing winter and dressing the part (well, sort of). I don't wear braids often, as I don't need to look any younger than I already do, but couldn't resist with this hat, which was the inspiration behind the whole outfit.
Hat - thrifted
Sweatshirt - American Apparel
Skirt - thrifted Banana Republic
Socks - Target
Shoes - thrifted new xhilaration

The "romantic super-date" with Mr. T on Saturday went well! We went out for sushi and then to the Fraternal Order of Eagles Club - where we took a swing dance lesson for an hour. It was pretty funny because you have to keep rotating partners and so I had to keep dancing with new old dudes, which was super cute! Then they had a live band and dancing. I forgot to take an outfit picture for you but I wore the red plaid dress from this post, but with little heels instead of boots. And yet again, Mr. T went above and beyond... and  brought a flower he welded for me (aka the best flower in the history of flowers):
Oh goodness... my brain has been commandeered.

My mom was in town visiting all weekend, so I hung out with her Friday afternoon and Saturday morning and dashed over to my sister's house before the snow hit on Sunday morning. The three of us spent Sunday and Monday holed up from the storm, watching rom-coms and Glee, cooking and making oatmeal chocolate chip cookies! We even ventured out for a walk in the snow and 30mph hour winds at one point, just to get out of the house for a bit! Yesterday we dug out the cars, which was actually kinda fun. I don't mind like an hour of shoveling, any more than that, no thank you!

Friday, February 18, 2011

I got 500 problems

I feel like a Target employee/Oscar Meyer wiener today. I tried this on with yellow shoes, since I'm constantly striving to dress like a hot dog, but I just couldn't do the black tights and yellow shoes thing. Why? I've seen too many slutty Minnie Mouses on Halloween. Really, that is why. They broke my brain and now I can't handle wearing yellow shoes with black tights.
Sweater - thrifted vintage Marella Knits
T-shirt - Target
Skirt - American Apparel ( the flash made some weird pattern on the chiffon - I assure you it's just a solid tan color)
Tights - Target
Shoes - Sam & Libby, inherited from sister

This morning when I was adding this outfit to my flickr, I realized this is my 500th outfit! That is so many! And they are all different! Actually, I wore one exact outfit twice. If you can find it you win... nothing. And it would be a huge waste of time. It was this outfit:
Because I'm pretty sure this is the only way to wear a giant tiger print with a tiger face oversized pajama t-shirt as a dress. Though, I guess I could rock it with tights and boots in the winter. Anyway, thanks to all you lovely readers for coming to visit me and being so nice about my stylistic schizophrenia. Here's to 500 more days of insanity!

P.S. Mr T is taking me out on what he is calling a "romantic super-date" tomorrow and I have to dress up! Goodness gracious, I simultaneously feel like I'm 16 and like I'm going to vomitron. I'll report back, should I survive.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm the Mary. You're the Rhoda.

Gosh I used to love that movie. When I was 16 I'd spend like every weekend over at my friend Adeline's house, watching girly movies and stealing wine coolers and beers out of her parents fridge in the basement that were so old their bottlecaps had rusted. Geez Louise, I'm a classy gal! Anyway, the point is, my skirt is very "Mary Tyler Moore" today. Also, it is supposed to be like 50! degrees today, so no tights!
Cardigan - Target
Tank - ? I couldn't tell you if my life depended on it
Belt - thrifted
Skirt - thrifted vintage
Shoes - thrifted new xhilaration

If it wasn't foggy and rainy today, I might overcome my embarrassment at taking photos in public and take a picture of me and the Mary Tyler Moore statue that I walk by every day. She stands in front of  the Macy's downtown, forever frozen midway through her signature tam throw. Like dis:
Represent the 612, Mary. Represent.

Guilt-driven disclaimer: Dear 16-20 year old girls. Don't steal and drink old wine coolers. Not worth it. And your mom will be really disappointed in you years later when she finds out what you were really doing at all those innocent sleepovers.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Vintage dress, yet again

This dress makes me want to hang out in a wood paneled basement and listen to Nancy Sinatra records. I totally remember this style of fabric (where everything was this color scheme and had a vaguely nature-ish pattern on it that made it look like an abstract field of wheat or leaves?). My parents had sheets like this when I was little (with matching LION HEAD pillowcases.) Anyway, the dress will be in the shop soon because I can't justify keeping it. But I also couldn't justify selling it without wearing it once first. Because I am selfish.
Glasses - Prada
Dress - thrifted vintage, handmade
Tights - Target
Shoes - Miss Me (free - won gift certificate to Modcloth)

So it's been above freezing here for a few days and a ton of the snow is melting! Which is awesome (until I get gutter-splashed by the bus, which I have somehow managed to avoid thus far.) I am so ready for spring... my mind is entirely focused on one thing, err, two things:
Oh yes, biking to work and around the lakes. I am trying to be realistic about it though. This is Minnesota. It WILL snow again. Probably several times. But this thaw is the small ray of hope I needed to get me through the rest of February.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vintage Day-Glo

I found this vintage Day-Glo sweater when I was thrifting with Mr. T on Saturday. I'm not a huge fan of '80s neon, but I love '60s neon. It's hard to find though! Although, I do have that one crazy nightie thing too.
 Sweater - thrifted vintage Devon Original
Skirt - thrifted Banana Republic
Brown tights - DKNY
Shoes - Bakers

So yesterday I took another step toward turning into Liz Lemon... and went to the dentist on Valentine's Day. Then my friend Amber and I got dolled up and went out for fancy martinis and saw some pretty ridiculous couples out for Valentine's Day (including an excessively tan middle aged woman in a floor length bedazzled satin prom dress and a couple-o-douchebags in love, complete with matching Ed Hardy outfits). Sometimes, I think my life is ridiculous, but then I look around and realize the world is full of crazies, and I might be one of the only sane ones left.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Romance and shit

Just cause I'm single doesn't mean I can't dress all romantic and shit.
Sweater - GAP
Skirt - thrifted vintage
Socks - Target
Shoes - MIA

I did have two dates this weekend though! I had a first date with Glasses and he was cool. We had lunch and he was really interesting. I also had a second date with Mr. T where we went to a bunch of thrift stores then went to dinner. It was really awesome and he didn't even mind that I bought not one, but TWO vintage wedding dresses on our second date. I couldn't resist though, they are so beautiful, they'll be in the shop soon! The most important thing though, is this:
Mr. T made it for me. He's a welder and sometimes he makes robots out of scrap metal at work on his break time. So he made me a robot bug. Le swoon. Waaaaaay better than flowers. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe the sun does shine out of his ass.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fashion Blogger Tattoos (1)

First up is Danielle from Keep Warm:
1) Key tattoo on my wrist: I was living in England at the time and realizing that everything that I want to do, the woman I want to become, everything is already within me. We all have so much potential. We just need to find the place, moment, person, book, conversation that will unlock this potential and let us realize that you can make your dreams happen.  Hence the key.

2) Flowers and waves on my ankle: The water is for movement and change. The lotus flower can travel all over the pond but is always connected to it's roots. The hibiscus is for gentleness and love. The tiger lily is for home (it's the flower of my province). It's a protected flower which means that it cannot be picked, uprooted or destroyed. 

Next up is Lauren from i am bourgeois:

I thought I'd send in a photo of my only tattoo, which has a pretty funny story behind it. You see, I won in at a contest and literally ripped the design from the Internet. I was at a big blogger event three years ago and at the start of the festivities, the host announced a raffle for a laptop. The catch is that the person whose name gets picked would have to get a tattoo on the spot to claim the laptop. It was just some shitty netbook but I thought, what the hell, I'm probably not going to win this thing anyway. Turns out that my name got picked and not being one to back out from a dare, I went with the organizers to a nearby tattoo parlor. I had about thirty minutes to think of a design but I already knew what I wanted - a barcode that says "Not for sale" beneath it. I thought of this design near the height of my graduate school Marxist phase, when I swore to myself that my skills would never be "for sale" to yet another uncaring, exploitative BPO. I hadn't actually gotten around to having the design drawn out, and the event's host was itching to show the crowd what design I wanted to get.  I Googled a barcode maker, slapped a random barcode and some text together, and in two hours my tattoo was done.  Honestly, I felt a little underwhelmed about finally getting tattooed, probably because it's located in an area where I rarely ever see it. I don't even think about it much anymore, except when it happens to peek out of my top and a stranger compliments me on it.  The procedure itself felt quite nice though, and I definitely want more tattoos in the future (though I'll be planning them well in advance this time).

Next is EvaNadine from Stumble into Style:

I got my first tattoo when I was 18 -- I had always wanted one, and I remember being a little kid already trying to decide what I would get. I grew up as a dancer, and the love of performing arts was always in my blood. As most people know, the symbol of the comedy/tragedy masks is synonymous with theater. While I was less involved with the theater, it was the symbol that really struck me, since I believe it is such a good symbol for life in general. Everything is intertwined, and nothing in life is 100% purely good or bad. I have always believed that out of every bad experience comes at least some kernel of good. So for me, that's what the masks symbolize. I have them on the lower left side of my back, and I chose to have them done in green, since that's my favorite color.

My second tattoo (pardon the photo, it's sadly the best I've got to show it off!), I got when I was 22. It is a 4-leaf clover -- a small nod to my Irish heritage. It serves as a minor cover-up too: I had a mole removed, which left a large scar that I didn't like the look of, so the tattoo covers the scar beautifully. But the main reason I got the clover was so that I can always carry a little bit of luck with me.
I've already got a few designs in the works, I just need to choose locations and artists to do them for me. And how appropriate since I had an amazing dream last night where I was getting totally inked up! I was rather disappointed to wake up this morning without a new piece of art somewhere on my body... but soon enough!

So there you go! Three lovely ladies and their ink! Do you have a personal style/fashion related blog? Do you have a tattoo or three? Send an email to futurelint@gmail.com with the subject line "Tattoo" and give a brief what, where, when, why and a photo of you and your ink and I'll include you in an upcoming "Fashion Blogger Tattoos" post! Simple!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lee Alexander

Today is the one year anniversary of Alexander McQueen's death. :(  So I wore my McQueen skirt for the second time on the blog (first time here). I've worn it to a few parties and other weekend things, but I never remember to take weekend pictures!
Headband - antique shop
Vest - thrifted (no tags)
T-shirt - Target
Skirt - Alexander McQueen via Gilt
Tights - Target
Shoes - thrifted Xhiliration

Amazing skirt detailing and odd shaped heels:

On a lighter note, I have TWO dates this weekend. I'm double booked like Marcia Brady! One with the dude from last weekend, henceforth known as "Mr. T". He does not look like Mr. T (unfortunately) but his name does start with a T so that shall be his blog nickname. I really didn't think he was going to ask me out again but he wants to go to a million thrift stores, so who I am to say no to that? I also have another date with a dude I haven't met yet who seems cool, henceforth known as "Glasses" because I like the idea of me calling someone "Glasses" while I myself wear glasses. I'll be back with the update! Ooh, and tomorrow will be the first "Fashion Blogger Tattoos" post, so send me your tattoo photos and info if you want to be in the next one! Info here.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A sophisticated clown collar

Dress - thrifted Target sample
Cardigan - some street shop in Seoul, Korea
Tights - Target
Shoes - thrifted Joan Helpern Signature Collection

Dress detail (oooh, subtle dots!) and shoes:
So it's official. The kindergarten and first grade kids at my school HATE it when I wear lipstick. I've only done it like twice this year. When I wore red lipstick one day a first grader said, "You look scary. Scary like Cruella DaVille." Yesterday, a KG boy said "Are you wearing lipstick?" and I said "No, I ate a marker." (because I spend 75% of my day messing with the minds of 6 year olds.) And he said, "No, you are wearing lipstick and it makes you look like a long poo." Um, okay. Now picture me loosening a non-existent tie and saying "I get no respect." These are the days of our lives my life. Apparently I need to be more authoritative or something. It's hard to strike a balance between being nice and fun enough that the kids trust me to help them or tell me the truth if something is going on at home or in school that I need to know about... and being too much their friend and they think they can hang out here to get out of class or call me a long poo (I'm totally stealing this insult and using it next time some guy cat-calls me on the street). It's even harder to find that balance with the high school kids. Eh, I guess I'd rather be too nice and fun than have them distrust me or be scared of me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Barbie Pink

I finally got up the nerve to wear red lipstick last year (and matched it to my shoes) so this year I figured I'd try out what I like to call "Barbie Pink" (and matched it to my socks, for some reason.)
Glasses - Prada
Oxford - thrifted vintage GANT Shirtmakers
Pants - Marni (from secondhand shop)
Socks - Target 
Shoes - Seychelles

The lipstick is Revlon Super Lustrous in Pearl Fuchsia Fusion, cause I know some of you are gonna ask!

Also, I love these Marni pants. I bought them for $16 from The Garment District in Boston. They are soooo nerdy. They make me look even shorter than I am. They accentuate the fact that I am bow-legged... to an insane degree. They are Man Repellers. I do not care. I love them. To my very core.
4-13-09 Fringes4-6-09 Back to work

10-6-09 Metrodome5-21-09 I Dye

5-12-10 Le mouthy12-3-09 Really, I'm not this fancy

12-1-10 I'm a loser, baby10-6-10 Safety pin blazer
Sorry for the photo montages two days in a row. I guess I'm feeling nostalgic? Plus it's just fun to see all the ways I've worn these ridiculous pants all at once.


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