I feel kinda hippitie-dippitie today, but that is okay sometimes.
Hair scarf - one of my great grandmother's fabric napkins from the '60s? '70s?
T-shirt - thrifted Target SAMPLE
Jeans - thrifted The Limited
Bracelets - one is thrifted, one is from a Carribean cruise
Shoes - Bakers, forever ago
Details, details
I am not usually a person who gets very stressed out, but I am right now. I just need to get everything ready for my trip to South Korea in two weeks, find a summer job, finish a big custom t-shirt order, print more shirts to sell at the art museum next month, and rearrange my house so all the windows and doors of my condo can be replaced while I am in S. Korea (they are residing and fixing up my condo complex... I am not thrilled about the idea of having a bunch of strange workers in my house while I am on the other side of the world, but the boy said he'd keep an eye on it while I'm gone). Guh, I just need to get through the next two weeks then it's vacation time and I'll just deal with the rest when I get back!