"" FutureLint (I have nothing to wear!): Spring Breakout

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring Breakout

SPRING BREAK!!! It's my last day of work until April 11th! Wahoo! While I can't afford to go on vacation this year due to my mortgage payments going up $200 every month because of building renovations, I'm excited anyway! I plan to spend the 10 days drawing, sewing, etsying, watching baseball, and biking (and going to see the wienermobile when it comes to my grocery store next week - a childhood dream will be fulfilled!) Hooray! Then I will look at all my posts from Korea last spring break and cry about how I am too poor to travel right now. Boo.

P.S. I LOVE this outfit and want to wear it forever.
Glasses - thrifted vintage American Optical, prescription replaced
Silk shirt - thrifted vintage Melrose Silk Studios
Belt - thrifted
Bracelet - Opitz Outlet $2 store
Pants - thrifted Isaac Mizrahi for Target
Shoes - Michael Kors

Awesome $1 belt (that I added SIX holes to, but you can't turn down a too big highlighter yellow belt for a buck) and my $2 bracelet:

Also, tomorrow is the last day of my prescription post-Lasik eyedrops then I have a post-op on Monday with my doctor to check how things are healing. My vision is still a bit hazy and fuzzy, so my photos followed suit and turned out blurry.

Alright, I'm sure I'll post some over spring break but it will be sporadic! Later dudez!


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