"" FutureLint (I have nothing to wear!): am I SLEEP THRIFTING?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


So, trying to do a clean out of the walk in closet, the three sliding panel closets, and various dressers that house my massive wardrobe (congratulations Salvation Army in the warehouse district, you are getting a trunkful)... but upon doing so I discovered this...

I seriously don't remember buying this. It must have been some time in the spring when it was out of season. I've never worn it, as it still has the $4.95 price tag on it. So, whoo, go me. I now own 3 sack-like huge cowl necked dresses (I still may get rid of these two on my etsy...

we'll see). I have not been looking forward to winter until today. Now I say, bring it on! I've got enough coccoon dresses to get me through to March! Seriously, only like one week left and I'll stop having to bartend and wear uniforms! Whoo! So, get ready for daily outfit shots instead of only like three a week. Go real clothes!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love the last too, i'd probably chop them into mini dresses and wear them with knit tights. rahhh and i dislike cowl in general (and drapey cowl the most, talk about vagina resemblance...oversharing is caring!)

and also i am in love with red hair so i will hate as much as i want. HOW COME YOU GUYS GET THE BEST HAIR EVER. HOW.


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