"" FutureLint (I have nothing to wear!): One grey day

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

One grey day

 Dress - thrifted Isaac Mizrahi for Target Sample
Leggings - ??? some department store?
Shoes - MIA

This exceptionally tired-faced look is courtesy of two inconvieniences...

#1 Construction dude pounding on my door as I was taking this photo to inform me that although it was supposed to be finished last Friday, they need to come in to my condo and readjust my balcony door again today. Which is fine, except they said they were finishing it on Friday, so I finally moved all my crap back into place over the weekend... I only took one photo this morning and spent the next 10 minutes moving a dresser and rearranging my bedroom yet again. Assholes. If you didn't finish on Friday, like your note said you were going to, then WRITE ANOTHER NOTE TELLING ME YOU DIDN'T FINISH. Guh.

#2 Last night I was having a dream about a bug. I woke up and there was a beetle like an inch from my face on the bed! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Not even like a little Japanese beetle or ladybug or whatever, a BIG crunchy beetle. So I destroyed him and then spent the rest of the night feeling itchy all over and having dreams about bedbugs, spiders and their HATCHING EGGSACKS and other disturbing things. I love bugs, but not in my bed at 3am.

I haven't worn this dress since last summer, when I decided it was The Cutest Dress Ever. It is however, too short for work so I broke down and threw on some leggings... I can't wait to wear this with a tan and bare legs though...

P.S. Slowly but surely, I am continually updating the etsy.


Anonymous said...

EEEEK! I don't think I'd ever be able to sleep again if that happened to me!

That is the cutest dress ever. Even with leggings.

WildBirdVintage said...

That may be, the perfect dress. I adore! Good find. I assume you called the beetle "crunchy" because you crushed it (that gives me the shivers)!

Kelly @ blackdog finds said...

I like how you solved the "too short for work" crisis that we all face at one point or another. The little lace trim on the leggings complement the dress!

And yikes on the bug in the bed! How kind of your subconscious or unconscious or whatever the heck part of your brain decided to inform you via a dream that a buggy was sharing your pillow.

veronika, tick tock vintage. said...

love this dress!

i'm the same way with dreams - even when i wake up and realize that it's not real, i still spend the rest of the night jumping up.

tiff said...

I would not be able to sleep after the bug incident. I would spend all night thinking there were bugs on me. Ugh.

Love all three variations on how you wore this dress. I love that dress.

Rad said...

That may indeed be the cutest dress ever (Oops, almost typed bug). I didn't know Isaac Mizhari's dresses were so darling.
Sorry about the builders and the bug. What a bummer. I once couldn't sleep when I had a mice problem when I lived by Calhoun Square. They found droppings by our bed table and that was it. I slept on the couch (further from the kitchen) for a few weeks.

Anna said...

You look so great in that dress! I agree, best dress ever! Don't you just love getting those Target sample items at the thrift store? I have many items that have SAMPLE written in sharpie on the inside.

jesse.anne.o said...

This dress is charming to the n-th degree.

Anonymous said...

i looove the white dress! it is So cute. and paired with the white maryjanes is even better.

the bug thing is so scary, by the way! i hope it was a once in a lifetime event, and now it's over with for good. ~joelle

C said...

It truly is the cutest dress ever!

And I'm so sorry about your nighttime/morning exploits! Sounds rotten. I hope things are looking up by now!

Dorky Medievalist said...

Yup. Cutest. Dress. Ever.

And I am not at all a fan of leggings or lace-trimmed leggings but I love them with this dress. This is some kind of magic.

LyddieGal said...

Oh my god, once I found a spider on my wall inches away from my face, and I panicked and scotch taped him to the wall. Sorry about the beetle.

The dress is super adorable, I like it sans leggings though.

Chic on the Cheap

PS. You've got an award at my blog!

Shey said...

Oh my Gosh that is the prettiest dress ever! I love it!

Rebecca said...

I like that dress. It's perfect for summer!


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