"" FutureLint (I have nothing to wear!): Love/Hate

Thursday, May 12, 2011


I love this dress. I hate this dress. I love it because it fits well and it's plain so I can jazz it up in all sorts of ways and it's just cute. I hate it because it's white, so I need to wear a tank and slip under it. But the bottom of it curves up at the sides, so either your slip is always peeking out the sides or you hike the slip up and then the bottom few inches of the front and back is pretty see-through. It also wrinkles like a bitch. A Shar-Pei bitch. So I don't wear it much, even though I love it.

 Shirt dress - necessary objects
Necklace - belt off a Free People dress
Belt - thrifted
Bracelet - World Market
Sandals - LAMB

All this love/hate talk makes me think of when my friend Matt and I went with our friend Amber to get her first tattoo in early March. We started talking about knuckle tattoos and my friend Matt jokingly suggested I get a LOVE/HATE tattoo on my knuckles only it would actually say LOVE/HAT and then there would be a drawing of a hat on my pinky. So of course the next day I sent him this shitty photoshopped rendition of my knucks:

I don't know how to recover from that random tangent so I will just say farewell for the day. Toodles!

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